Saturday 20 August 2016


       In the below text wherever FLOWCELL is there, it should be replaced into "*" ie) for each FLOWCELL -> the output should be, ********.note that it should be dynamically.

resourceTypevalue | resourceTypeIdImager_3
lx-obc-02 |BASECALLER
resourceTypevalue | resourceTypeId
Nest_20 | NEST
Imager_1 |IMAGER
lx-obc-01 |BASECALLER
Nest_7 |NEST
Imager_3 |IMAGER
lx-obc-02 |BASECALLER
resourceTypevalue | resourceTypeId
Nest_20 | NEST
Imager_1 |IMAGER
lx-obc-01 |BASECALLER
Nest_7 |NEST
Imager_3 |IMAGER
lx-obc-02 |BASECALLER
resourceTypevalue | resourceTypeId

                The tHash  components used to store the data temporarily in cache memory like tBuffer components. But the tHash components are faster than tBuffer components. 

                The field separator given here is "pipe separator". 

               First the context variable is given as "s" with string datatype and also a default value "FLOWCELL" is typed. Then, another context variable named "star" is given with a string datatype and no value is provided. This empty space enables to store the * asterisk values one by one. 
                context.s.length() checks the length of given string value. Here, in this example, length of the FLOWCELL is 8. Therefore, 8 numbers of * asterisk symbols will be generated. 


Thursday 18 August 2016

How to retrieve letters only from given names which is mixed with numbers


                Note that the input data has numbers mingled in it. So, we need to separate those numbers and letters apart and place them into two different columns. 

         In the tMap, we have to give the expression to replace all characters and numeric values with no space ("") as given below.

    Therefore, the final output with the separated customer number and customer names was obtained. 

Thank you very much.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Generating a sequence of Months using tMap and tjavarow


               tRowGenerator is mostly used for creating dummy data which is used for test purposes. tRowGenerator can also be used to generate some random records. 
        Go to schema definition and enter the required columns. We have to compulsorily give the function definition. Here, we are selecting the function as Numeric.sequence where it can generate a series of numbers.

                         In function parameters, we have to give the sequence identifier, start value and step. 

                   In the tMap expresssion builder, the following condition can be given to display 12 months. Notice that the string values are given inside the double quotes. The given condition is based on conditional operator which will be discussed later in another post separately. 

                   This produces the following output, 

Generating Months using tJavaRow

                The same months can be generated by the following code in tJavaRow component that uses simple if, else if, else statements. The output to be produced must be given inside the curly braces / brackets. 

This produces the following output,

------------------------------------------Thank you very much----------------------------------------------

Monday 15 August 2016

Thaumaturge tMap

        Why i call the tMap as a wizardry component is, unlike other components, tMap comes up with versatile functions. With the help of tMap alone we can perform many different operations. There's no wonder that the tMap has become as a data integration job developer's component of choice. Such a main processing component has some of the capabilities such as:
        - Add and remove columns
        - Apply transformation rules to one or more columns
        - Filter input and output data
        - Join multiple inputs into one or many outputs
        - Split input data into multiple outputs

      The tMap also comes with inbuilt java functions where we can use Java ternary operation to perform conditional logic. All will be discussed here.

          In this following example, two tables showing the input 1 in main flow and input 2 in lookup flow where the tMap is used to join the records. 

       Join both the files based on "id". We can select any match models in tMap by clicking the tMap settings button. The default match is unique. If unique match is selected, then the main record will be matched with the last matching record in the lookup file and it doesn't care about other matching records. If first match is selected, then  the main record will be matched with the first matching record in the lookup file and doesn't bother the rest of the records.
    But, here we are going to select "All Matches" where main file will be matched with all records in lookup file. 

          The joining method we used here is, left outer join. The left outer join fetches all the records of the left-hand table "input 1", even if there's no matching record in the right-hand table "input 2". So, all input records will become as output and all unmatched records are set to NULL. 
         The result of left outer join can be clearly seen in the following output that contains all the records found in the input. 

            If we want to take away the "null" record from our output, then we have to give an expression in the expression filter. This expression filter can be enabled by clicking on the + button. Here we are using 

                                                   (!= means not equal to )

                        That produces the following output without the NULL record, 

                   Now if we want to see that rejected record alone then, we have to use the option called "Catch lookup inner join reject". Before, we have to look on what the Reject Row is. The reject rows are those records that do not match the inner join condition.  
                  tMap has two reject links - Catch Lookup inner join reject and Catch Output Reject. 
                Catch Lookup inner join reject allows us to catch the records rejected by the inner join operation performed on the input flows. 
                Catch Output Reject allows us to catch the records rejected by a filter. 
                Here, we have to set the Catch Lookup Inner Join reject as TRUE. 

               That produces the following desired output,


Thank You Very Much for Reading this Article


Friday 12 August 2016

How to Aggregate values

             Type tFixedFlowinput on the designer window. There you will get the FixedFlowInout component, where you can give some fixed / predetermined records. Remember, except the numeric values, all the string values must be given inside the double-quotes " ". 

                        In this example, the tAggregateRow component is deployed to aggregate the given values. i.e. it combines several separate values into one by selecting the list function which can be found in Basic Seetings --> operations -->function (list). Select the input and output columns based on which column values need to be listed. 

 The desired output is as follows, 

    Thanks for reading the post. 

Wednesday 10 August 2016

AWS Services

AWS Services

There are around 60 services provided by AWS. Some of the services which are best apt for companies with basic requirements are –
Instance (Compute)
Storage (EBS / S3)
Data warehouse (RDS / Redshift)
Application services

EC2 (A Virtual server in cloud) 

-  EC2 is a web-based virtual server for running  application programs. 
-    Comes with resizable computing capacity where we  can decide the computing power of our instances. For  ex, Number of CPU cores  and amount of memory. 

-      Billed for number of instances and number of hours

-   Instance level storage is local storage on the machine which disappears when the machine is shut down. Any data on that storage is lost.

-   EBS storage is persistent, so even when machine is shut down.

Amazon EBS

-    Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) provides block level  storage volumes where we can attach our EC2 instance.

-    Suitable for installing and running applications

-  EBS acts as a primary storage device for data that requires frequent and granular updates

-  EBS doesn’t work standalone. However it will work along with EC2 instance

S3 (Simple Storage Service)

-  A web service interface with fully redundant data  storage infrastructure to store and retrieve any amount  of data at any time and from anywhere on the web.

-   Data are stored in bucket form in which we can create any number of buckets in a block

-   S3 has a dual nature where it can work standalone or mount with an instance

-  Paramount advantage of S3 is, durability and availability where the data is stored at relatively low cost and replicated to avoid the risk of data loss

Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

-   Amazon RDS is a web-service which is used to set up, operate and scale a relational database in cloud.

Supports MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL databases

-   Despite its low cost advantage, it has a disadvantage of file size limitation based on certain region

Amazon Redshift

-  AWS provides fully managed data warehouse        (relational database) services.

-   AWS handles huge databases in petabytes range for  relatively low price

-    Provides NoSQL database

-   To improve querying performance, extra clusters can   be added with Redshift

-   Notable disadvantage is limited replication and limited snapshots

Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

-  Lets us to setup a private cloud (isolated) within the Amazon Web Services

-  Privileged to have entire control over virtual network including own IP range, creation of subnets , configuration of route tables and network gateways

- Provides advanced high network security to enable inbound and outbound filtering at instance level and subnet level 

Thanks to all who visit this blog. 

Monday 8 August 2016

An outline of Cloud computing

Cloud computing enables organizations to obtain flexible, secure, and cost-effective IT infrastructure.
Infrastructure can have virtual servers, databases, storage, messaging etc.
Cloud computing allows us to access servers, storage, databases and other applications over the internet. The two basic characteristics of cloud computing are virtualization and automation. Here, virtual means not physical i.e. CPU, disk, RAM, network cards are virtualized. Therefore, we don’t need to invest a large amount in buying and maintaining expensive hardware. Some of the key players who provide cloud services are

Service Providers - Platforms
AMAZON.COM – AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Microsoft – Azure
Google – Google App Engine
IBM – Blue cloud –

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
            AWS is a cloud computing platform provided by Here, the web services refer to the cloud services or remote computing services where we can rent virtual computers on Amazon’s own infrastructure. It offers great value proposition. We pay for what we use.
            Dynamically scalable and virtualized resources are provided as a services over the internet. Advantages of going to cloud technology include cost savings, high availability and easy scalability.
Cloud computing provides shared resources on the internet in a scalable and simple way. The major advantage over mainframe is, the cloud computing offers infinite power and capacity.

AWS provides a category of cloud services known as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) where it offers virtualized computing resources over the internet. IaaS provides access to networking features, virtual computers or dedicated hardware and data storage space. These virtualized computers come with guaranteed processing power and reserved bandwidth for storage and internet access.

Cloud computing challenges
Users from long distances may experience high latency and delays
Security and Privacy
Risk of vulnerability to attacks when information and critical IT resources are outside the firewall
Cloud computing providers have a full control of the platforms and there is no platforms specific for companies and their business practices.
Bandwidth costs
Companies can save a lot of bucks on hardware and software; however, they have to incur higher network bandwidth charges particularly for high data intensive applications

Services provided by the AWS
            There are around 60 services provided by AWS where they can be accessed via the AWS management console (a web portal) or programmatically via API (or web services).
Some of the services being used across the industries are,
Network and CDN
Application Services

Deployment and Management

                                                    Thanks for visiting. 

Saturday 6 August 2016

Eliminate the Diagonal Values


We have to take away the diagonal values from the above matrix.

          In the tFileInputDelimited, we have to give the field separator as " " (single space). 

          Basically the given input data consists of elements which are string data type where each value is separated by single space (“ “). Input source file path was chosen in the Filename/Stream and the required schema is declared.

          A tab space found in the input data is converted into single space using string handling functions “CHANGE” in tmap. Further in expression builder, the system routine function Numeric.sequence("s1",1,1) to generate a sequence number for each row.

                 The above tMap expression changes the tab space into single space between columns.

            tJavaRow component is deployed after the tMap where it has a nature of passing the incoming data row by row. Here the data got split using the single space separator and that data is stored in an array named ‘a’ (String [ ] = a;).
           After the successful split of incoming data, individual values in the array can be compared or processed. Without splitting the data, it won’t be possible to perform any operations such as comparison among the values. The for loop is created to iterate or continuously run the job. It allows the program to run continuously till the condition which is given in the for loop meets the array length. Here in our program the array length is 4, so first the integer i=0 passes the first value in the array followed by the i=1, i=2, i=3 values. If else condition is used to check the values with the sequence numbers. When the sequence meets with the first array index, it checks whether both are equal or not. if they are equal, then no value should be passed. If the array index equals with the sequence number, then the loop goes to the else condition where the previous value stored in the context variable will be concatenated with the array value using comma delimiter or separator. This operation continues till the condition meets the length. After the condition meets the array length, the for loop terminates and switches to the next row.
Finally, the values stored in the context variable ‘c’ will be stored in the output value column. Here, the empty value in the first element of the array was observed in the output and that was removed by using substring method  [a.substring(1)].

The following code was typed in the tJavaRow component:


        The context variable is assigned as c and initially no value is declared for this context variable. 

        tFilterColumns component is deployed to remove the unwanted columns in the output schema.

Obtained Result:

           We can see the displayed result with the absence of diagonal values in it and here we have to notice that this job runs dynamically no matter how much amount of values we give in.