Monday, 1 August 2016

Basic SQL Queries

SQL Server Queries

Creating a new table
Syntax: create table table name
create table products (id int, name varchar(50),price money)

Inserting values into table
insert into products (id,name,price)
values (1,'aa',12),(2,'bb',15),(3,'cc',45),(4,'dd',6),(5,'ee',9),(6,'ff',65)

Displaying all columns in a table
select*from products  - This query displays all the columns of table named products

Sorting the records in descending order
select id,name,price from products
order by name desc

Note: For ascending order there is no need to mention asc i.e. if we give 
order by name, that itself orders in ascending order.

Displaying first 3 Records
select top 3 * from products

To select a particular record using WHERE clause

select name, price from products
where price = 65

Here we are using WHERE condition to select a particular record - Price equal to 65. 

To display the records where the price less than or equal to 45

select name, price from products
where price <= 45
order by price

Note: Take a look at the price wise ascending order 

To display all the records except the values equal to 'ee', 'ff'. 

This can be achieved by using NOT EQUAL TO (< >)  as well as AND operator.

select * from products
where name <> 'ee' AND name <>'ff'

Similarly, we can also use != as not equal to operator. For ex, the following query displays all the records except the record 'aa'.

select *from products
where name! = 'aa'


Between Operator is used to select the values within a given range. For example, between two dates,
between two values etc.

select *from products
where price BETWEEN 6 AND 12
order by price

Here we are selecting the price values in between 6 and 12. 


Checking for NULL values 

select *from products

where price is NULL


In operator

Suppose we need to fetch multiple records. In order to do that we have to use IN operator

select * from products
where name in ('aa','cc','ff')

OR operator
select * from products
where name = 'bb' OR name = 'dd'

OR operator displays a record if either the first condition OR the second condition is true.


NOT condition

Not condition is one of a logical operator which negates or inverts a condition i.e. it produces the reverse of a condition. For example, if we 
want to find out the names of the players who do not play hockey, then the query would be look like this,

SELECT names,games FROM players
where NOT games = 'hockey' 

The output would be something like:
names    games
Sam     football
Richard football
Billy   volleyball 
Julie   Badminton 

select * from products
where NOT name = 'aa' AND NOT name = 'bb' AND NOT name = 'gg'


LIKE operator (wildcards)
The Like operator compares a value or a character to similar values or characters with the help of wildcard operators.
Here, the percent sign (%) represents zero, one or multiple characters. Therefore, this % wildcard matches one or more characters and displays the matching records.

select * from products

where name like 'd%'

% Wildcard
select * from products
where name like 'c%'

[] Wildcard
select * from products
where name like '[cd]%'

Wildcard with ^ carat symbol negates the above bracket wildcard
select * from products
where name like '[^cd]%'


Inserting values into a column named quantity

insert into products (quantity)
values (2),(3),(5), (6)

delete from products
where quantity in (3,5)


Distinct keyword 

select * from salary

      The distinct keyword fetches the unique records from the group of records having many identical records (also called as duplicates).
       The above table has many duplicate values in salary column. Therefore, by using the distinct keyword, we can fetch the records having unique values. 

select distinct salary from salary

Average Function

select avg (distinct salary) AS avg_salary
from salary

The above query returns the average salary 

Count () function

select count (*) from salary

The above query returns the number of records from a table named 'salary'

Count (distinct column name)

select count (distinct salary) from salary

To change the old table name with the new table name

sp_RENAME 'joins’, 'customers'

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